A well written mystery that I think might have sequels? It's lacking a bit in believability and I thought the mystery was a tad too easy to solve before the big reveal. I like a mystery that sort of blows your mind when solved and this one didn't really do that, but I was still hooked by the twists and turns it took to get you there.
The book follows Detective Dalgleish (who I believe can be followed in many other mysteries by the same author) as he investigates the death of a young ordinand studying at a small theological college located on the edge of a cliff (which I mention mostly because I felt like the cliffs themselves became a character in the book). The murder suspects are the staff, religious students and priests at the college. More deaths ensue, and the mystery is wrapped up rather nicely at the end. It was a good read but the plot felt a little old-timey, murder she wrote style. Which made sense when I read the author profile - at the age of 80, she's apparently known as Britain's Queen of crime.
6 days ago